siobhan charter vessel
siobhan sailing
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Meet the crew
The crew of Siobhan come from wide and varied backgrounds, here are their stories and adventures. Click on the names to the right.

Adriaan andersen

Trips: Canada, Baltic
Age: a bit younger than Erik
Nationality: Dutch
Occupation: Consultant Petroleum Engineer



“Siobhan was as close to heaven as you can get: the amount of spare parts, tools, power drills and all the navigation gadgets you can ever want! And she sailed amazing as well: with enough wind to sail, you can let go of the wheel and she keeps her course. We’ll definitely be back for more (if we’re allowed)”


captain erik

sandra fountain

Adriaan Andersen

Siu O'Young

Sarah Indrelid

Gina Severeijns

Robin Graham-Read

Wouter Dalhuijsen

Johannes Dalhuijsen

Anne Bendijk

next generation